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zakup a On the moment of preparing the order, we offer you consultations with the Landscape Architect who will certainly help you with choosing the products and suggest plant varieties that individually fits to the place and space where they will appear on. We would like you to visit our Plant Base, where you can find a lot of plant varieties, which are most popular in this kind of planting.
Purchase conditions, payment and the execution time determines sales agreement, and a placed order.
HarmoniaEX pots have 3 years guarantee. In the case of damage let us know immidiately. We consider every complaint and in few days we contact our customers to repair or replace elements with the new ones.


Adorning with flowers

ukwiecenie aWe offer you possibility to adorn with flowers purchased pots. About choosing plants – we are only limited by availability of choosen plants. We guarantee only healthy and lush seedlings. We will use the best peat substrate supplemented with hydrogel, that absorbes the water. Using agrogel reduces frequency of watering and wilting of plants. We will also enrich the peat substrate with minerals in the form of long-acting fertilizer. Pots, prepared this way, will be placed in the greenhouse to make seedlings grow well. Thereby, we can deliver for you the best products that looks spectacular. 


Transport service

transport aWe transport our products with a delivery company – it reduces delivery time to minimum. Depending on amount, pots are stacking on pallets, secured, to deliver them intact.
If you order pots and adorning them with flowers, we provide our own transport on carriages to not hurt sensitive parts of plans



rozladunek aIf you order our products with adorning with flowers and transport service, we guarantee unloading service. Our workers will take care to make this task easy, without damage to the final effect.




montaz aWe offer you possibility to install pots, adorned with flowers by our workers. Thereby, it will save the necessity of involving other workers, and the space, that you are planning to decorate with flowers will look impressively at once.